Find Builders, Developers, and Energy Rating Companies Your Area

Use this tool to search for home builders, developers, and energy rating companies who are ENERGY STAR partners and are constructing and verifying ENERGY STAR certified new homes and apartments in your area. The organizations displayed below have reported at least one ENERGY STAR certified home or apartment, or joined as a new ENERGY STAR partner, within the past 12 months. Note that the number of certified homes/apartments displayed is current as of the calendar quarter prior to the most recently completed quarter.

Visit the Partner Directory for a list of all home builder, developer, and energy rating company partners. We also maintain a list of available incentives for building ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments. You can also use our Multifamily Building Locator to search for ENERGY STAR certified apartments and condos.

National Program Summary:

  • ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments built to date
  • ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments built 2025 to date
  • ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments built in 2024
  • ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction Partners

See the market share for ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments by state.

National Program Impact Equivalents for ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments:

  • Reducing CO2 emissions by metric tons
  • Growing tree seedlings for 10 years
  • Avoiding the consumption of barrels of oil
  • Removing passenger vehicles from the road